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Lake Norman Pest Control Is Now Lake Norman Home Services!

Outdoor Christmas Light Installation Near Me


Are you looking for outdoor Christmas light installation near you? Lake Norman Home Services can help you with your Christmas lighting decor this holiday season. Our company can also hang Christmas lights in Mooresville, NC and the whole Lake Norman Area. Our experienced customer service reps will talk to you and guide you on a plan that is inside your budget and will answer all the questions you might have.

We Use The Latest LED Christmas Lights

Don't worry about energy costs, our Christmas lights are the most advanced technology out there, we use professional lighting systems that are designed to emit no heat, and are super energy efficient.

Fire Hazard Safe

Our digital Christmas light equipment is fire hazard safe, it only runs on a few volts making our lights very fire hazard safe.

We Serve Residential & Commercial Customers

Our professional Christmas lighting company can help you decorate both your home and your business, give us a call today!