Lake Norman Home Services is not responsible for any damages or loss caused by any pre-existing conditions, any pests or disease, or any displacement costs or any other costs other than damages directly resulting from the services provided by Lake Norman Home Services as described herein.
Normal business hours are 8 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday.
Customer understands that from time to time certain preparation procedures may be required to obtain adequate control, and agrees to follow Lake Norman Home Services’s recommendations regarding these procedures. Customer further agrees to grant access to all areas of the structure and/or property being serviced during normal business hours for inspection and treatment.
This service shall begin on or around the initial service date noted the agreement and continue thereafter for the initial agreement period listed on the agreement. The service will continue after initial service period indefinitely. The regular service cost may be adjusted by Lake Norman Home Services without written notice after the initial agreement period.
No service includes moles or voles.
NEW AREAS: Any new areas added after this contract is signed may result in additional costs.
SERVICES are preventive in nature and do not require regular pesticide applications to interior of structures.
There are many extenuating factors that affect the scheduling of all types of lawn treatments, including seasonal requirements for certain applications and current or suspected weather conditions. Therefore, the schedule outlined on the agreement is a guideline only and scheduling of treatments will be left to the discretion of Lake Norman Home Services in the effort to achieve maximum efficacy of each lawn treatment. Lake Norman Home Services will need access to all areas of the property being serviced during normal business hours for inspection and treatment. If the customer wishes to schedule a treatment for a specific time, it will be the responsibility of the customer to contact Lake Norman Home Services in advance. However, it cannot be guaranteed that the service will be able to be performed at that time based on weather and other factors that affect the efficacy of lawn treatments. Scheduling appointments is a cooperative effort. If interior service and/or scheduled appointments are requested, and after due diligence to schedule, Lake Norman Home Services is unable to schedule a service with the customer during the month due, an exterior perimeter treatment will be performed for regular treatment at regular service rates.
Cancellation Buy out or Early Termination
If the CUSTOMER should desire to cancel at any time, they may do so by filling out the Online Cancellation Form and agreeing to the forms conditions. A service should not be considered cancelled until the CUSTOMER has received confirmation from Lake Norman Home Services in writing by email. Should any service be terminated prior to the end of the initial minimum service period specified for any reason other than failure of Lake Norman Home Services to adequately fulfill their obligations under this contract, there will be a buyout fee that will be $195 minus what the customer paid for their initial service, plus plus the immediate payment of all due balances. If the customer paid $195 for their initial service, there will be no additional charge for terminating this agreement prior to the minimum agreement length. However, if early termination is due to a move within the Lake Norman Home Services service area, the customer may “move” the remainder of the service agreement to their new location. There may be additional cost involved with any new service. Lake Norman Home Services reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time without prior notification and for any reason; in such event, Lake Norman Home Services may credit or refund payments for the current month of the cancellation as well as any payments that have been collected for future months; however, payments for any months prior to the current month of cancellation will not be subject to credit or refund; therefore if any payments for prior months are past due, those balances will remain due.
Missed or Skipped Service
Lake Norman Home Services will treat any accessible areas during the scheduled month and it will be the responsibility of the customer to contact Lake Norman Home Services the following month and make accessible any previously inaccessible areas. Services may be rescheduled for the following month but this rescheduling does not affect the scheduling of the following service. In some situations this may mean 2 services and charges in the same month.
Collection Information
If any payment or payments are due Lake Norman Home Services and are not received in our office within 15 days of any invoice, then a service charge of up to 2% of the amount due will be charged per month as a service charge. Customer agrees to pay any and all costs of collection of any amounts due Lake Norman Home Services, including attorney fees. If a service is terminated due to non-payment or late payment, Lake Norman Home Services may require Advance Payment or Auto-Pay Payment to reinstate service. A service fee of a minimum of Thirty-Two Dollars ($32.00) will be added for any and all returned checks.
The regular monthly cost may be adjusted by Lake Norman Home Services without notice.
The Basic & 2nd-Level Turf Services:
** BARE PATCHES ARE EXCLUDED. Bare patches in the turf, including but not limited to, those that are a result of natural environmental factors or those that are the result of Lake Norman Home Services eradicating weeds, are not the responsibility of Lake Norman Home Services, and Lake Norman Home Services is not responsible if grass does not grow in those areas. Post-Emergent Crabgrass control is NOT included. With The Basic and 2nd-Level Turf Services, PRE-emergent weed control will be applied but in no way do we guarantee it against crabgrass nor any other weed specified as excluded. With The Basic and 2nd-Level Turf Services Lake Norman Home Services does not guarantee ANY weed control, only that we will perform the application. If the application fails in any way, additional services will be at a charge the same is true for the Aeration and Overseeding.
Each treatment will be specifically scheduled and designed at the discretion of Lake Norman Home Services to best meet the needs of each specific lawn, to maintain your service. All services are designed for the average lawn. Some lawns may require additional treatments not included in your program to achieve elite results, such as fungicidal treatments, or out-of-season treatments such as post-emergent crabgrass control. If additional treatments are necessary to achieve elite results, Lake Norman Home Services will make recommendations as such.
MY ELITE PLUS SERVICE (Mosquito Reduction / Management Service): Lake Norman Home Services’s Mosquito Reduction Program is designed to help manage the mosquito population on your property. Since mosquitoes are airborne insects, Lake Norman Home Services cannot guarantee 100% elimination of mosquitoes from your property. Therefore, Lake Norman Home Services does not expressly guarantee or imply that it will completely eradicate all mosquitoes, and specifically disclaims all implied warranties.
Lake Norman Home Services specifically disclaims any and all liability for any illnesses and/or diseases contracted or allegedly contracted by exposure to mosquitoes. These include, but are not limited to, West Nile Virus, malaria, encephalitis and dengue fever. Lake Norman Home Services is not medically trained to diagnose mosquito-borne illnesses or disease. Please consult your physician for any medical diagnosis.
Lake Norman Home Services reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time without prior notification and for any reason; in such event, Lake Norman Home Services may credit or refund payments for the current month of the cancellation as well as any payments that have been Collected for future months; however, payments for any months prior to the current month of cancellation will not be subject to credit or refund; therefore if any payments for prior months are past due, those balances will remain due.
***LIMITED BED BUG COVERAGE: Lake Norman Home Services, at its sole discretion, may extend this service agreement to cover bed bugs; this requires all of the following and can be voided by Lake Norman Home Services at any time for any reason, including but not limited to, if the following conditions are not constantly met:
1) Customer must have The Basic, My Elite, or My Elite Plus service for at least the previous 12 months consecutively on the property listed on the front of this agreement; (2) Customer must remain current on all balances owed, and have made all past and future payments on time and in full; (3) The price paid for the customer’s pest control service is at or above the price listed at https://Lake Norman Home Services.com/service-plans/; (4) Property must be defined by Lake Norman Home Services as single-family residential property; (5) Property must, at the customer’s expense, have had a successful bed bug treatment performed by Lake Norman Home Services ridding property of bed bugs, or property must be determined at Lake Norman Home Services’s sole discretion to have been free of bed bugs for the previous year; (6) Customer agrees to perform all site preparations requested by Lake Norman Home Services at customer’s expense; (7) Lake Norman Home Services is only responsible for performing the treatment only and will use methods for control at Lake Norman Home Services’s sole discretion and will not prepare the site in any way. If site preparation is not performed up to Lake Norman Home Services’s expectations, bed bug coverage will be voided and any future treatments will be forfeited. (8) In the event of voided coverage, a fee or fees will be required to rid structure from bed bugs and to reinstate bed bug coverage; (9) Customer will not engage in activities that encourage bed bug infestations, such as but not limited to, rotating tenants or bringing in used furniture, bedding, or appliances.
SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: In the unlikely event that the service fails to exceed your expectations, we pledge to take further steps at our expense to remedy the situation and exceed your expectations while the service agreement is in good standing. In the rare occasion that you may be dissatisfied after giving us ample opportunity to remedy the situation, Lake Norman Home Services agrees to release the Customer from any future responsibilities agreed to in this Service Agreement. This is not a money-back guarantee.
Dock Pest Control Service:
Lake Norman Home Services will provide the service when it is most convenient for Lake Norman Home Services, provided that the dock area is accessible. If the dock area is inaccessible, and Lake Norman Home Services is unable to schedule with the customer, the service will not be performed that month and this will NOT affect the payment plan or any amounts due during that month.
Christmas Lighting Policies, Terms and Conditions
Christmas Lights by Lake Norman Home Services’s service is comprised of the design, installation, and takedown of holiday decorations. All lighting materials and decorations remain the property of Lake Norman Home Services, also known as Lake Norman Home Services Pest & Lawn. This is a service agreement only and no goods are being sold. Lighting and Decorations: Christmas Lights by Lake Norman Home Services warrants the quality of our decorations and workmanship as provided below. Should you have any problems with the decorations, we want to correct them as soon as possible. We recommend that you turn the lights on for several hours over the first three to four evenings to test the lighting program.
This will allow us to make corrections as soon as possible in order to maximize your enjoyment of the decorations. Repairs needed due to vandalism, extraordinary weather conditions, and customer added lights are not warranted and will be billed as additional services. Maintenance: Christmas Lights by Lake Norman Home Services will gladly service any non-working decorations within reason. Individual bulbs will vary in length of operation and some will expire before others. We cannot reasonably change every bulb when it expires, however, we can perform service when several have expired. Billing Issues and Quality of Service: In the event that you have a question concerning our billing please contact our office within 30 days. Otherwise, we will assume that all billings are correct. Christmas Lights by Lake Norman Home Services will provide quality workmanship and commercial-grade materials. However, we request that all questions regarding workmanship or materials must be addressed within 72 hours of the service, or before the next service, whichever comes first. A deposit may be required at the time your order is placed. Full payment for every item and service is due according to the invoice terms on the date of service. If any credit card payment fails to process and new credit card information is not received in our office within 30 days of any invoice, or if a check/cash is not received within 30 days of an invoice, then a service charge of up to 2% of the amount due will be charged per month as a service charge but in no event in excess of the maximum amount allowed at law. Customer agrees to pay any and all costs of collection of any amounts due Lake Norman Home Services, including attorney fees. If a service is terminated due to non-payment or late payment, Lake Norman Home Services may require full Annual Payment to reinstate service. The annual renewal price may be adjusted by Lake Norman Home Services giving written notice of such adjustment in advance. Installation and Removal: Holiday decorations shall be installed and removed at your request if possible. Service appointments are given based upon this service agreement. All services are subject to weather conditions and demand. Lake Norman Home Services retains sole discretion as to the timing of services and no breach occurs based on dates of service. Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability and Remedies: Both parties to this contract agree that in the event of the failure or malfunction of the lighting and/or decorations provided, the sole and exclusive remedy available to the customer shall be the refund of the cost of the services provided under this agreement or the repair or replacement of the lighting and/or decorations, to be determined solely at the discretion of Christmas Lights by
Lake Norman Home Services. Both parties agree that Christmas Lights by Lake Norman Home Services will not be liable for any consequential damages of any nature caused to the property of the customer by any failure or malfunction of the lighting and/or decorations provided under this agreement. Both parties agree that any claim by the customer that the workmanship or materials used are defective or nonconforming must be brought to the attention of Lake Norman Home Services in writing within 72 hours of the service and failure to do so results in a complete and final waiver of all claims. Early Cancelation: Should any service be terminated by the CUSTOMER prior to the end of the initial minimum service period specified for any reason other than failure of Lake Norman Home Services to adequately fulfill their obligations under this contract, the CUSTOMER will be charged one half (1/2) of the remainder of the initial service period’s services. However, if early termination is due to a move within the Lake Norman Home Services service area, the customer may “move” the remainder of the service agreement to their new location. There may be additional cost involved with any new service. If moving out of a Lake Norman Home Services service area, the penalty will be waived. Lake Norman Home Services reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time without prior notification and for any reason; in such event, Lake Norman Home Services may credit or refund payments for the current month of the cancellation as well as any payments that have been collected for future months; however, payments for any months prior to the current month of cancellation will not be subject to credit or refund; therefore if any payments for prior months are past due, those balances will remain due. Arbitration: Any and all disputes that may arise between the parties shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with state law. The arbitrator’s award shall be final and binding on all parties, and judgment may be entered by a court of competent jurisdiction in the count of the service provider where all arbitration proceedings shall be conducted through the dispute resolution center, or its successor.
Entire Agreement: This Agreements and these terms and conditions constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no other representations or statements will be binding upon the parties.
Customer Bed Bug Treatment Requirements
The customer agrees to adhere to the following treatment requirements throughout the treatment process:
Prior to the initial inspection: customer must strip infested rooms of bed linens, stack nightstand and dresser drawers in the floor and pull furniture out from the walls.
Following the first treatment: approved, properly-fitting cloth mattress and box spring encasements must be placed on the mattress and boxspring. For an additional cost Lake Norman Home Services can provide and install these encasements immediately after the first treatment, or you may purchase them on your own.
Prior to all treatments:
- Lake Norman Home Services must be granted access to the entire property being treated
- All clutter must be removed so that Lake Norman Home Services can have adequate access to treatment areas
- All bedding (includes sheets, pillowcases, shams, bed skirt, mattress cover, comforter, etc.), boxspring batting, and curtains must be removed from the bed and windows prior to treatment. They must be washed and dried during the treatment. They cannot be placed back on the bed or windows after the treatment until they have been washed and dried
- All people and animals must vacate the residence during the treatment and for at least 4 hours after the treatment. Should it be necessary for everyone to be out longer than 4 hours following the treatment, Lake Norman Home Services will let the customer know upon the initial inspection
- The customer must vacuum all floors prior to the treatment. Vacuum cleaner bags must be disposed of outside in a dumpster. Canisters of bagless vacuums must be emptied outside in a dumpster and then cleaned
- All dresser and nightstand drawers must be stacked in the middle of the bedroom. Do NOT move the furniture into a different room. All clothing from the drawers must be removed, laundered, and placed into plastic bags
- All closets must be emptied and the contents stacked in the middle the bedroom. Do NOT move the contents into a different room. All clothing from the closets must be removed, laundered, and placed into plastic bags;
- No guests may stay at the residence during the treatment period, in order to avoid transferring bed bugs
- No furniture can be moved in or out of the residence during the treatment period, unless it is being moved out to be permanently destroyed
By signing this agreement, you agree and consent to be contacted by Lake Norman Home Services by an automated text and phone call system via any telephone number that you may provide to us or that we have acquired. To update your communication preferences please visit us online or call our office directly.

Customer Reviews
“Lake Norman pest control does a wonderful job all around and even explained the safety concerns I had of the products for my new baby and dog.”- Lauren G.
“Lake Norman Pest Control has always been consistent with their service quality and more than fair with pricing.”- Michael C.
“He called me after the appointment and gave me a summary of the service and he made some additional recommendations.”- Leslie Z.
Jake promptly arrived and asked what issues we were having and quickly began applying treatment. He was professional and thorough. Very pleased with the service today.- Lisa C.
“Jake promptly arrived and asked what issues we were having and quickly began applying treatment.”- Lisa C.
“Lake Norman always does a great job in communicating and shows up at their committed times.”- Mike C.
“Michael has beHe and every representative we’ve worked with from this company have been very kind and good at listening to our needs. en super helpful! He's prompt, thorough, and responsive to all of our questions.”- Kimberly G.
“Our technician, Jake, has been very helpful. He has been on time and responsive to all my questions.”- Laurence P.

Why Choose Lake Norman Home Services?
Lake Norman Home Services is proud to have thousands of Google reviews with an average rating of 4.9 stars!
Residential and commercial clients in Mooresville and beyond can attest - Lake Norman provides only the very best in home services.
Decades of continuous BBB accreditation.
BBB A+ Rated and 4.8 or higher on Google and Facebook for the highest rated local company in the area.