bedbug on mattress

Bed Bug Exterminator Near Troutman, NC

Do you think you have bed bugs in your home? Lake Norman Pest Control can help get rid of them in the Troutman, NC area for you now. Bed bugs are not only gross but can get in the way of you getting a good night's rest.

bed bug on skin

Local Pest Control Company

We have trained our technicians to find the hiding spots of these pests. They will do a thorough job and make sure they don't miss where the bed bugs are in your home. Their extermination requires different trips to your property to make sure the infestation is taken care of. Bed bugs can get out of control fast if they are not handled by a professional.

Since Lake Norman Pest Control is a locally owned business they will make sure each of their customers' pest control needs are taken care of. Give us a call today or use the form below to request a free quote on your bed bug control now.  

Pest Control For Bed Bugs

These pests like to travel home with you after a vacation or if you stayed in a hotel. They are transparent before they drink any blood which makes it hard for you to spot them. If you think you may have them it is important to contact your local pest control company in order to get your home inspected.

They can hide in your luggage or clothes so make sure you inspect your items and wash everything before you unpack. They are mostly found in mattresses and box springs but can be found in other parts of the bedroom. They prefer a warm environment to live and breed in which is why they are mostly found in people's beds. They have been found on bedside tables, headboards, and even the walls. They are nocturnal which is why they bite you while you're asleep. They are mostly attracted to exposed skin like your arms, hands, and even your neck.

Even if you think they have gone away on their own, they are probably just hiding. They can go weeks without feeding and love to stay in warm temperatures like your bed. Home remedies rarely work for these pests so it is best to let a professional exterminator handle your bed bug removal.

Lake Norman Bed Bug Control

Lake Norman Pest Control wants to help you with any bug problems you may be having at your home. They can get rid of bed bugs quickly and efficiently from your property so you can get some peace of mind back in your home. Give us a call today for any questions or to get a free quote on your bed bug extermination now.

Our Reviews

Our customers value the work we do for them and have left some great reviews. We make sure our customers are completely satisfied with our pest control services or their money back. Check them out and see if Lake Norman Pest Control can help with your bed bug control in Troutman, NC today.


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