In one of the articles, I told a story about how I got rid of the fleas from my indoor dogs. Several years back, I had a very different problem – ticks. See, these pests are more notorious blood-suckers than fleas. Although they are fewer in number, they are more dangerous. Did you know that ticks can bring illnesses to humans? It could be a big problem especially when there are children around. Ticks pose a grave danger to our dogs. It causes anemia, skin disease, paleness, rashes, loss of appetite, and discomfort. There have been records stating that fleas can kill our pets when untreated and left for granted. Which is why as responsible home-owners, you need to be more responsible in treating your pets.
Ticks On Dogs
Living in North Carolina way back 2016, I had the same problem with my outdoor dogs. I had two American Bullies and one German Shepherd. You can imagine how big they are. One Sunday morning, I decided to play with them and give them time to walk on the lawn. While I was petting my German Shepherd, I noticed some lumpy objects stuck to his skin. Of course, it is difficult to inspect given the thickness of his fur but I really tried. I saw a black, lumpy figure stuck to his skin. I knew it was a tick but it was my first time to encounter it on my own dog.
Removing The Tick
I tried yanking it with my fingers but my dog would ramble. He would not let me pull the tick out of his skin. I called for somebody to help me pull it out while I hold him still. And when it got removed, it left him a bleeding wound. It pains my heart to see him that way because there were a lot of lumps on his body and I don’t know how I can get rid of it without hurting him. But I knew they all had to go.
So, as usual, I did my own research on how to get rid of ticks and if there are tick experts in North Carolina. Good thing, I found Lake Norman Home Services and had partnered with them in taking care of my fur babies against ticks since then. You know what, I found out that ticks should not be tweezed with our own bare hands because they might transfer the diseases onto us. We better use tweezers or any tool to get rid of those tics. Drowning is also not good at all. I believe they have some sort of immunity to it and it takes time before they die from being submerged. Experts also dissuade us from pinching the tick to death. Its blood could cause diseases to us humans.
What Can You Do?
What I did to save my baby was to give him frequent baths with dish soap and shampoo. Every time he takes a bath, I would fully inspect his body and pull away from the ticks with tweezers. The lather from the soap makes them weaker. Hence, they can easily slide from the skin of our fur babies. But before I put him in his cage, I would always clean its surroundings and trim the grasses. I would rake my lawn regularly and apply anti-tic treatments to ward off any tic that lives on the bushes and leaves. If you have a problem with ticks indoors, it is best to vacuum your floors regularly and inspect the unused spaces of your home. Apply anti-tic formulas to your dogs and maintain their cleanliness when they play outdoors.
Contact An Expert
Our fur babies mean so much to us that we need to give them full protection from anything that compromises their safety. Always remember, pets are angels sent from above. We should take care of them as much as they do to us. Probably, the best decision I made in taking care of my fur babies is to get a partnership with the best pest control in North Carolina, the Lake Norman Home Services, because they have a really effective formula in dealing with various pests especially ticks.